
Monday, January 30, 2012

Waiting...takes forever

I applied for a student nurse job. I'm waiting for an interview. This is taking forever. I'm so ready to leave retail behind forever and this interview needs to find its way to me RIGHT NOW! Waiting sucks.
On another note. I'm halfway through my peds rotation and okay I'm not freaking out AS much as I was before but I think pediatrics isn't really my thing. I have a more detailed video about peds when I'm finished my rotation (4 more weeks), but I think I'll stick to surgical or ER. School is also making me crazy. Whoever told me that 3rd year is the most difficult was correct. I've scaled back my hours at work and spend every waking hour either hitting the gym or hunched over textbooks. It's sad. I've forgotten what life before school was like. Boo. Sigh.......I;m currently procrastinating...I need to go write my paper. :( See you guys soon! Hope everyone is doing well this semester!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


So, yesterday I orientated at the big pediatrics hospital in my area.  I was initially very nervous about starting this clinical rotation because of the children. I've worked with adults for 2 years now in my clinical rotations but children honestly scare the crap out of me :| Everything with them is so precise because they are so small! Everything is different...the IV pumps, the med dosages, the calcualtions...I think forgetting and reverting back to my automatic "im taking care of an adult" mode might be to easy to get into and I'm super nervous about it! I'm also extremely nervous about keeping my emotions in check with all the peds patients. I've been known to cry at TV commercials so I don't know if I can hold it together infront of a child. Kids aren't supposed to be sick! They are supposed to run around and be healthy. Seeing sick kids kind of freaks me out....I do one 12 hour shift a week so yesterday was my orientation and next Tuesday will be my first full working shift on the unit. I.Am.Terrified. :|

Friday, January 6, 2012

Year 2 Complete!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Happy New Year to all of you! Hope you had amazing holidays filled with lots of love and family and whatever else you wanted! I am now officially a 3rd year nursing student!! I can't even believe I am a 3rd year student.  There are so many things I have learned in the 2 years I have been a nursing student and so many amazing experiences I have had that I can't even begin to imagine what the rest of my nursing career has in store for me. I made a video for you guys talking about my second year! Hope you like it! Enjoy! Until next time xoxoxoxox