Alright, so 2 days and 2 videos. Whoa. I'm getting too excited. hahahaha. So, along with a pediatric rotation I had a mental health rotation which...left more to be desired. Out of the 5 shifts we had on the psych unit we only had ONE on the actual unit and 4 other "community visits". It was useless. I feel like I didn't really get a feel for mental health, although after one shift I felt as though I had had enough. It's a lot of mental work and not enough physical for me. The biggest shocker? YOU DONT WEAR SCRUBS!! I don't own other clothing..this became a problem. nursing student problems? Yea, I think so. Now, I don't want to step on any toes but I found mental health to be extremely boring personally. I'm more of a trauma/ER girl as you all know. It was just too different for me. I usually go into clinical acting like a sponge wanting to soak up everything but I couldn't do that here. Maybe it was just me. Mental health and I just don't mesh well together I suppose. Either way I made a video about it. Enjoy.
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