
Friday, February 10, 2012

Semester 5 and exercise? whhaaattttt?

 Helloo! So, semester 5 is making me a crazy person. Too many assignments/too little time. If you guys follow me on twitter ( @mandeepg88) you have noticed that majority of my tweets are about school taking over my LIFE.  Hence that lack of blog posts, and whenever I am blogging it is usually when I am procrastinating on some type of homework LOL.  Another common theme on my twitter page is exercise. I have always been somewhat of a fitness fanatic, but lately I have been in overdrive. I got myself a lovely personal trainer last summer and he is kick ass. One of my videos was about how to keep yourself sane while in nursing school because TRUST ME, you will go crazy, and a big part of me staying sane is working it out at the gym. Nothing like a little bit of sweat to de-stress yourself!

I'm not sure how many of you do 'Clinical Decision Making Models'...basically it's an assignment that you do where you pick a patient and do a write up on them regarding their health status and writing nursing diagnoses, but I hate writing them. They suck...that is what I am currently procrastinating from.

There are 2 weeks left in my rotation in pediatrics! As soon as I am done I will upload a video for you guys talking about how my experience was. It was...interesting....LOL.

Until next time xoxoxoxoxoxox.